Friday, January 29, 2010

31 weeks and 3 days UPDATE

Today I went and met with our backup doctor, she will be our doctor if for some reason Dr. Pushkin is unable to be there. I am hoping that Dr. Pushkin will be there on the special day, because she has been our person through out the whole pregnancy and has been wonderful.
Lil' Fisher is doing well. Today we listened to her heartbeat and it was about 130 bpm.
Down from her usual 150 but nothing to be concerned about.
A little over 8 weeks to go until we meet Lil' Fisher! I can't wait!

A funny thing I just came across while searching the web.. just in case Lil' Fisher is bald... So glad we can have a backup plan. Hah Hah!


John said...

Hey Meg, Those wigs are soooo funny! We bought "The Bob" for Kev and Yudi when Kaya arrived. I have a pic of her wearing it somewhere. I will have to find it for you. Hope you are feeling good. Can't wait to meet Lily!

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